
Meet Former GBCC Fine Arts Student and U.S. Navy Veteran, Jacob Aldridge

Jacob Aldridge spent 10 years in the U.S. Navy serving on fast-attack submarines across the world. After leaving the service in 2019, he settled in New Hampshire.

“My second-to-last duty was in Portsmouth, and I fell in love with New Hampshire,他说.

He worked for three years at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard after leaving the Navy, then took advantage of his G.I. Bill benefit and enrolled at Great Bay Community College in pursuit of a degree in fine arts. “I want to be an artist,他说. “I don’t know yet what kind of artist I want to be, but I like fine art and I also like graphic design.”

Aldridge recently combined his military and artistic interests when the New Hampshire Secretary of State’s Office chose his design for the official Vote in Honor of a Veteran lapel pin. The Vote in Honor of a Veteran program gives New Hampshire voters the opportunity to recognize veterans and service members who protect citizen’s right to vote.

In exchange for leaving a short testimonial about an honored veteran, the voter will receive a lapel pin from the Secretary of State.

Aldridge researched similar honor pins used in other states, as well as historical items related to New Hampshire, 包括旗帜, 海豹, and other official state symbols. His circular design centers the Old Man in the Mountain and an American flag in the shape of the outline of New Hampshire, with the words “Vote in Honor of a Veteran.” The dominant colors are red and blue, with splashes of white.

“I started playing around with different themes, and it came together pretty quickly,他说, crediting Tom Devaney, program coordinator for fine arts and digital media, for suggesting the opportunity and helping his development as an artist during his time as a student at Great Bay. “He’s the one who actually told me about the Vote in Honor of a Veteran program,” Aldridge said. “He’s helped me throughout the year. He’s a great professor and a great person.”

Aldridge worked with Senior Deputy Secretary of State Patricia Lovejoy on the final design. Lovejoy visited with Aldridge on campus in Portsmouth while he was working on the pin.

“The Vote in Honor of a Veteran program provides New Hampshire citizens with a visible tribute to those who so proudly serve and have served this country in the United States military service,洛夫乔伊说. “This program recognizes their efforts to keep our democracy strong and to ensure that we may continue to cast a ballot each election day.”

Aldridge recently left Great Bay and is moving to Connecticut to be closer to family. He plans to resume his education there, and leaves New Hampshire with thanks for his time at Great Bay and praise for the school and its people.

“Great Bay has helped me a lot. Every teacher I had has been extremely helpful in my development and confidence as an artist. Working on a project like the Vote in Honor of a Veteran pin was out of character for me. I usually like to hide in the shadows, but Great Bay has helped me step out of those shadows. I couldn’t not make this pin, because I knew I could make something good.”